Finding your path, what you are here to do and enjoying the journey!

The last 3 years have been a real journey of discovery for me. After 22 years of working for one company - having direction, security, and purpose, I have had to rediscover that all over again.


I’ve seen it as an opportunity in so many ways:


An opportunity to try something new. To test myself and see if I can create a brand, to see what I enjoy.


An opportunity to get my health back on track. I knew it would be a 3 year journey to get colitis back under control and it has been.


An opportunity to get into a new world. To see what’s out there. To network. To make new friends.


and most importantly


An opportunity to get to know me. To understand what my soul purpose is. To understand how I need to show up in the world, what I’m really good at, what I enjoy and what I can do that keeps me healthy and able to self care whilst still being fulfilled with my work.


In the last 3 years I have:


Created an e-commerce business. Come up with the name. Designed the logo. Designed and sourced the products. Learned how to build a website. Opened an Etsy shop. Created pages and profiles on Facebook and Insta…


Dabbled in network marketing with Utility Warehouse. Understood how a network marketing business works. Scratched my sales itch by presenting to new customers. Met some more lovely people.


Opened a support group on Facebook for Chronic Illness warriors. Been asked to be an admin on Colitis UK with 14k members to support.


Become a chronic illness mentor and coach. Helped clients them manage their illness, fatigue and mindset.


Coached female entrepreneurs on sales, helping them to structure posts, emails and be confident to approach customers in different ways.


Written my own structured sales program designed for small corporates who dont have access to the training that I have experience in.


Learned all about spirituality. Been receptive and open minded to all things universe and holistic healing. Learned about different modalities and practiced them. Learned what works for me. Used them as part of my recovery. Qualified in Reiki 1 & 2. Done 2 cold water dips. Learned all about human design - had some hallelujah moments on what I m here to do and how I work in a healthy aligned way.


Started a successful podcast with my business bestie! Keep Calm and Pee Glitter is sooo much fun to do!


Written a chapter in a book called ‘She Empowers’, showing other females that mindset can get you through pretty much anything! The book is out on 13th September and theres even an in person book launch event on 26th September - Watch this space!


Been to LOADS of events. Networked. Met amazing people. Been on healing journeys. Broken arrows on my throat and walked on FIRE!


And yesterday I went and learned all about property investment! I mean why not!


So here I am


Today I can say that I’m clearer on what I need to do than I ever have been. Today I accept that I needed to try lots of things before I found my direction. I accept that this was part of my process. Part of my recovery. Part of becoming me.


Today I know that everything I have done has told me that I dont have to stick to one thing. There’s nothing wrong with taking your time, tying lots and then focussing in on what you want to do.


My journey of self discovery has very much shown me what I’m good at. I can even look back to the most successful part of my corporate career and see the same patterns.


I can teach people to sell - I can do it with my eyes closed, but where I’m different is that I teach people how to have the mindset to REALLY empower themselves - to sell, to get through illness, to move forward in their business - in ANYTHING!


I also LOVE numbers! I LOVE the feeling of making a sale or achieving something. I LOVE a project and solving complex issues!


and… I LOVE working with like minded people. I love learning from them and I love helping others to grow, feel empowered and to achieve ALLL the things they want too.


So… This is me!


I am a Mindset, Sales and Empowerment Coach with a wellness twist that does property investing alongside!


I do:


Corporate sales training which includes mindset and team building work. I also train managers on how to build an inspired team.


121 and group coaching with female entrepreneurs and chronic illness warriors


Property Investing (got to look after the pension too!)


If you are reading this and feel like you’ve not found your path then please take this as your virtual permission slip to keep going, keep trying new things and find your path! YOU’VE GOT THIS!

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